Furniture Concepts Blogs

mattress cartoon

The Camp and Dorm Mattress Buyer’s Survival Guide – Part II of III

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Buying mattresses for group living facilities is a big task.  Furnishing mattresses for hundreds of sleepers is an intimidating prospect. So how do you decide which type of mattress to buy? Why do the prices span such a wide spectrum from suspiciously cheap to crazy expensive?  In Part I of this three part blog series, we compared buying mattresses…

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Summer Camp Mattresses for Bunkbeds

The Camp and Dorm Mattress Buyer’s Survival Guide – Part I of III

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Choosing the right mattresses for dormitories and camps is crucial for ensuring comfort and durability. In this three-part series, we’ll explore the key factors to consider when selecting dorm mattresses, starting with Part I focusing on mattress cores. From foam to fiber and innerspring options, understanding the pros and cons of each core type is…

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Bunk with steps and storage

Making Group Living Spaces Livable

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Any time you have more than one person sharing a living space the lines of functional spaces are bound to start blurring – living rooms can become a place for abandoned shoes and jackets; dining tables can end up collecting mail and magazines; and the bedrooms?  Well they just end up collecting everything else!  So…

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Dining Hall Furniture for Summer Camps Lodges

Three Crucial Tactics for Group Dining Facilities

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Group Meals Are an Essential Part of Any Group Living Environment. Whether in a therapeutic or purely social setting, providing the right furniture to make dining comfortable for consumers as well as functional for staff takes a bit of planning. Rest assured there are many tried and true ways to set up your dining space regardless of the size…

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Farrington Sofa chair

Comfort Has Value in Healthcare Residences

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

The dictionary defines comfort as “a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint.” But comfort is much more than that. There’s a psychological element to comfort that helps an individual feel taken care of Residences, nurtured and supported. With the busy (and sometimes totally exhausting) routines typical in America, we’ve noticed an…

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5 Creative Ways to Manage Patient Incontinence

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Patients and consumers with incontinence create a special kind of demand on staff and direct service providers. Not only is there risk to the health of patient, but cleaning both the patient, furniture and flooring takes the time and effort of staff trying to manage broad responsibilities, incontinence. Furniture can often be ruined by bodily fluids that…

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The Myth of Crate Furniture

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Crate style furniture might have been inspired decades ago by excess shipping crate inventories, but what has evolved is an enduring style that is far from its utilitarian roots. The Appeal of Crate Furniture Typically constructed from renewable pine, wood crate furniture is warm, inviting and comfortable. Not convinced? Consider the following: Furnishing a health care or group…

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Contract Lounge Furniture Buying Mistakes and How to Fix Them

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

As a leader in the contract seating industry, we hear from lots of people who become responsible for buying the furniture for their facility despite having no real experience with furniture buying. We often ask these buyers if they feel like they drew the “short straw” and we overwhelmingly find that is the expression they find most…

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Addiction Recovery Bedroom

The Modern Rules of Institutional Furniture

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

The phrase “institutional furniture” is still used as a broad reference to furniture for group living and health care environments. This phrase suggests high durability and virtual indestructibility, but the phrase “institutional furniture” also calls up images of unattractive, sterile and uncomfortable seating, bedroom and dining pieces. In today’s group living and health care environments, institutional furniture has come…

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Controlling Bedbugs for Group Living Environments

4 Proven Strategies for Bed Bug Free Facilities

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

While there is no single solution for bed bug control, there are some tried and true facts that are important to consider when preparing for the possibility of bed bugs. First and foremost is the acknowledgement that no facility is invulnerable to bed bugs. Bed bugs are not related to any degree of cleanliness or lifestyle.…

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