Furniture Concepts Blogs


Quick Tips to Finding the Best Special Needs Furniture Provider

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

If You Work in a HEALTHCARE FACILITY That Strives to Offer Independent Living to Consumers and Patients, You Already Know that FURNITURE PLAYS A CRITICAL ROLE. Furniture is not only essential for productive activities and organized dining; the furniture design itself can become an important element in the quest for real independence. So Why NOT…

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The Best Kind of Heavy Duty Recliner

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

See Why a Heavy Duty Recliner, Available Only From a Contact Healthcare Furniture Provider, Has Features and Benefits That Make it Far Superior to Retail. Everyone in Healthcare knows that patients and consumers appreciate a  comfortable recliner. There is something comforting about the ability to recline that makes patients feel relaxed.  Aside from the obvious comfort of “putting your feet up,”…

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Furniture Concepts Premium Plus Seating Catalog 2

How to Use Self Deck Upholstery to Manage Incontinence

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

INCONTINENCE is a difficult issue for caregivers and direct service providers. Making CLEAN UP EASY, preventing damage to patient skin and avoiding permanent furniture destruction is always a high priority. The contract furniture industry has recently given incontinence (and limited mobility) a lot of attention. One tried and true method of managing incontinence and general fluid…

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urban 11200 chairbig

Best of Lounge Seating

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

How to Combine Style, Functionality and Cost for Lounge Seating.Recent budget cutbacks have reminded purchasers that there is still truth in the “you get what you pay for” adage. Buying quality furniture creates a longer buying cycle thereby minimizing the need for cash for future furniture projects – especially those needed to satisfy state and local codes…

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Bunk beds

Back to Basics in Summer Camp Furniture

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

School is winding down and summer camps are gearing up. Camp directors are busy training staff, developing programs and sprucing up cabins and outdoor spaces. For those of us in the camp furniture industry, this is bunk bed season. Over the years lots of styles of bunk beds have come and gone but the tried and true work horse for summer camps is…

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Bariatric & Standard Seating:Why Combining makes sense.

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Why Combine Bariatric and Standard Seating? Bariatric Seating is a sly fox.  Attractive and ultra-functional, bariatric seating effortlessly blends in with standard seating pieces to stretch both your options and your budget. When bariatric and standard seating is combined in a space, those looking for a little extra width in their chair will gravitate towards the bariatric options while…

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Morgan Finn Mental Health Facility Furniture for seating

Special Needs Furniture

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Common Sense Furniture Solutions for Use by People of all Abilities. For individuals with developmental delays and their caretakers, independence is a critical goal. For facility administrators, it is important to create functional work and living spaces that foster independence without making an individual feel singled out. Special needs furniture has become a dynamic furniture category that…

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Bed Bug Solutions

Bed Bug Solutions

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Detecting Bed Bugs Early On Can Make All The Difference. The news headlines have said it all – bed bugs that were once thought eradicated are experiencing a resurgence throughout the world. The fact is that bedbugs are indiscriminate and will infest any area occupied by humans from the poshest palace to the most humble…

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Farrington Sofa chair

What is Commercial Lounge Furniture?

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Healthcare, business and government facilities are the largest buyers of commercial lounge furniture. Commercial (contract) grade furniture guarantees that furniture is manufactured to the highest industry standards. The end goal is high durability and longevity of the pieces.  The contract furniture industry is also the best place to see new trends and styling.  Commercial buyers often want…

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By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Mobile bookcases are a sturdy, practical storage solution. Mobile bookcases are not only a great mobile storage solution, they are also an incredibly sturdy and practical storage solution for any loose items. Due to the demands on the supporting frame, mobile bookcases should always be heavy-gauge steel. The heavy structure can hold up to the…

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