Furniture Concepts Blogs

Heavy Duty Wood Bedroom Furniture Tough Stuff

Heavy Duty Furniture for Health Care Environments

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Replacing furniture is expensive. When you run a health care organization that orders group living furniture in bulk, replacing furniture can be even more unpleasant. Your furniture is an investment, so you want to make sure you get the right heavy duty furniture that will look great and stay strong through years of use. Quality Health Care…

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Offering a Personal Touch in the New Year

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Unfortunately, we just cannot sugar coat it: 2020 has been quite a trying year. None of us has been left unscathed. The most serious public health crisis in modern history has descended upon us bringing hardship and uncertainty. In these trying times, one must always search for the silver lining and for us, it is…

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Choosing Fabric for Contract Furniture, What You Need to Know.

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Fabric Characteristics: selecting the right fabric Upholstery fabric will wear out before the frame.  The price of a fabric is seldom an indicator of its ability to wear well.  Price is determined by such factors as the cost to manufacture the fibers, the complexity of the weaving process, and the dying process used to add color to the…

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Healthcare Furniture

Reduce Contamination Risk in Your Facility

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Containing healthcare associated infections (HAIs) could not be a more timely priority for healthcare facilities, given the heightened demands brought on by the COVID-19 crisis. While many institutions have adopted strategies to keep high-risk objects clean, these efforts often fall short because of inadequate staff training or inconsistent execution – and because there is no industrywide…

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Why Choose Fiber Core Mattresses?

Buying the Right Mattress for Your Facility

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

The Benefits of Fiber Core Mattresses: Fiber is the new word in mattresses.  PFS, or Performance Fiber Systems, are an environmentally friendly option for health care, education, hospitality and recreation environments.  Fiber core mattresses are made from recycled contents that are “green” certified to contain no hazardous byproducts.  Constructed using environmentally safe raw materials and processes,…

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Residents Need Serious Storage For All Their Personal Items

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Americans certainly like their stuff. From family heirlooms to tech toys to sports jerseys, our beloved possessions always have special meaning in our lives. But the trouble is all of those treasures need a place—whether it’s immediately at-hand or tucked away somewhere. Consider this: More than 220,000 new self-storage units are expected to open in 2019…

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Buying Affordable Quality Furniture for Your Facility

More Advice on Buying Affordable, Quality Furniture for My Facility.

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

What Else Do I Need to Know Before Buying Quality Furniture for My Facility? Part Four: Flex-ability* Flex-ability – After decades of having to make furniture designed for residential use work in group living environments, manufacturers have finally begun to show their understanding of the needs of staff, clients and consumers.  Consider the following design enhancements that…

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New Furniture Buying Program Saves Time

New Furniture Buying Program Saves Time

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Everyone is doing more with less these days. That’s why efficient processes are one of the most sought-after competencies when it comes to business partnerships. Here at Furniture Concepts, we’ve listened to our customers and heard your wishes for more quick-and-easy buying experiences.  That’s why we’re launching the new Furniture Concepts Buying Program. This streamlined approach offers…

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FC 806 015a

Furniture Concepts Grows by Adding Flatcreek Manufacturing

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Combining forces is a good thing. Super heroes do it all the time. That’s why we’re excited to share the news that Furniture Concepts and Flatcreek Manufacturing have now merged their superpowers to create one of the nation’s most trusted contract furniture companies. Why It Matters This is a positive development for all of our…

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3 Design Considerations For Your Dining Area

By Al Harlow | August 23, 2021

Dining areas are always full of activity in group living environments. They’re the main hubs of social interaction while also providing a functional space for meals and special occasions. It’s wonderful to see so much energy contained in a single room. Designing the best arrangement of tables and chairs in the dining room, however, always…

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