Offering a Personal Touch in the New Year


Unfortunately, we just cannot sugar coat it: 2020 has been quite a trying year. None of us has been left unscathed. The most serious public health crisis in modern history has descended upon us bringing hardship and uncertainty. In these trying times, one must always search for the silver lining and for us, it is the ultimate reminder of how much we all rely and thrive on human connection. At Furniture Concepts, we will use that knowledge to guide us as we chart an exciting course for 2021.

For us, the unexpected crisis in the past year has bred new opportunity. We have committed to strengthening our personal bonds with our customers, as we know that these relationships will play a pivotal role in how we can work together to thrive in the current environment and in meeting future challenges.

As the new year progresses, look for us to offer a fresh perspective on our services. We will be rolling out a new look, an effort that has already started with our redesigned logo. We are proud of what we deliver to the marketplace, but we know we are about more than the products we offer. 2021 will be about enhancing personal connection, so expect to see more of our personality shine through in the coming months.

As always, we have an unwavering commitment to identify the right furniture solutions for your organization, residents, and campers. We are a family business, and our goal is to form partnerships that make you feel like part of the family as well.  

As 2020 comes to a close, let our hope for better times ahead strengthen our resolve to overcome any challenges we encounter. We wish you many blessings for the holidays and the new year.

Topics: Behavioral Healthcare FurnitureSummer Camp FurnitureLimited Mobility FurnitureFurniture Tipshigh-Risk Environments

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