Affordable Loveseats for Group Living Environments

Affordable Loveseats for Behavioral Healthcare

The ambiance of a group living environment plays a crucial role in the therapeutic process. Among various elements, furniture, particularly seating, holds significant importance. The right choice of seating can create a supportive and calming environment, essential for the wellbeing of patients. This is especially true for loveseats, which offer both comfort and a sense…

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A Guide to Replace Your Old Cushions for Your Behavioral Healthcare Facility

Colorful yoga mats with cork base stacked neatly.

When it comes to behavioral healthcare facilities, every detail of the environment can profoundly impact patient recovery and general well-being. Among these, seating, such as couches and outdoor benches, plays a critical role. Not only does it affect the aesthetic appeal of the facility, but it also ensures the comfort and safety of patients.  Cushions,…

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Top 5 Innovative Furniture Ideas for Residential Treatment Centers

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Residential treatment centers play a pivotal role in offering structured support to individuals requiring specialized care. The furniture selection for these spaces extends beyond mere comfort; it serves as a cornerstone in establishing an environment conducive to healing and nurturing. Recognizing and addressing the distinct needs of these centers is paramount for furniture wholesalers. This…

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Unveiling the Expertise of Behavioral Health Furniture Manufacturers

Unveiling the Expertise of Behavioral Health Furniture Manufacturers

Creating healing and therapeutic environments is a crucial aspect of healthcare design, especially in the field of behavioral health. In such settings, furniture design is of paramount importance as it ensures the safety, comfort, and effectiveness of therapy. In this blog, we will delve into the world of Behavioral Health Furniture Manufacturers, highlighting their commitment…

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Safe Work Settings Will Boost Staff Satisfaction

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The health care workforce continues to face tumultuous times. The nursing profession has seen a combination of challenges, including pandemic-related burnout, fuel a loss of more than 500,000 from its ranks. Earlier this month, a short but impactful strike by more than 75,000 Kaiser Permanente nurses, pharmacists and other health professionals sent shock waves across…

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All Residents Can Benefit from Greater Socialization

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No matter where your facility’s residents are in their life journey, giving them opportunities for meaningful interaction with others can only improve their well-being. Program managers need to do their utmost to encourage social interaction among their participants wherever possible. Socialization “Socialization is the first line of defense against isolation, loneliness and cognitive decline,” Michelle…

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Creating the Ideal Healing Spaces for your Residents

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The programs and facilities we serve live by the principle that they should not harm. While financial considerations will always play a role in how an ideal healing spaces is designed, client safety and comfort must come first. This has always been priority one in residential settings, but that message has come clear in an…

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We Make Product Selection More Manageable


Every product buyer wants to be able to choose from many options. But facing numerous choices without the proper guidance to navigate them can prove as frustrating as having no alternatives at all. So as we at Furniture Concepts continue to diversify our product lines to meet our clients’ varying needs, we pledge to remain…

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How To Prolong The Life of Group Home Furniture Fabric

Keeping the fabric of your group home furniture looking new and pristine doesn’t have to be difficult! With these five simple yet powerful tips, you can maintain and preserve the integrity of your fabric and ensure they look just as good as when they were first bought. Avoid Excessive Exposure to Sunlight and Heat Sunlight…

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Our Redesigned Bunk Bed Sets the Bar on Safety


In all service organizations, both within and outside of health care, safety remains the foundation of all efforts to ensure a high-quality customer experience. Without a safe environment, no other improvements will matter. And without reliable data to drive the improvement, you’re leaving your best quality-control efforts to chance.We at Furniture Concepts set out to…

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Care Settings Prove Essential to Patient Engagement


The term “patient engagement” attained buzzword status in the healthcare field some time ago. These days, companies tout technology as the main vehicle for keeping patients engaged, both within and outside a treatment facility. Care providers have email boxes inundated with vendor pitches to prove it. But the setting of care remains as important a…

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Compassionate Care Requires Careful Choice of Words


Compassionate Care Requires Careful Choice of Words Words matter, and nowhere is this more true than in the treatment of mental health and substance use disorders. Calls have grown stronger for eliminating the use of terms that can discourage people in need from pursuing treatment. We at Furniture Concepts pledge to avoid the use of…

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Deliver the Right Message to Your Visitors


Over the past two years, many patient care sites strengthened their visitation policies out of necessity, taking care to protect residents from virus exposure. Most of these policies remain in place, making it easier to check in visitors and to monitor their whereabouts. But are facilities also paying attention to the other signals they might…

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The Power of Furniture Designed for Behavioral Healthcare

Furniture Safe Cleanable Durability Good Looking

Practitioners of behavioral healthcare know that their patients are at a greater risk of suicide and self-harm than any other patient population. Safety is a primary concern of therapies used in any psychiatric facility. Behavioral healthcare furniture is important to managing risk appropriately to protect patients, visitors and staff.  Furniture and components can be used…

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The Power of a Good Bunk Bed

Durable Wood Metal Beds for Camps Furniture

As new college students are getting ready to move into their dorms and campers are getting ready for their summer fun, demand for furniture for dorms & quarters and summer camps is at its seasonal high. Housing and camp directors are in the heat of last minute preparation for the expected masses.  As heads are counted, the…

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Furniture for Behavioral Healthcare

behavioral healthcare furniture

Well Designed Behavioral Healthcare Facilities Benefit Both the Patients and Staff. In behavioral healthcare environments, the safety and comfort of staff and consumers is always top priority.Get the Complete TOUGH STUFF! CatalogElements from building design and hardware to furniture and fixtures impact traffic flow, comfort, and the overall functionality of the space. Furniture Concepts, an industry…

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Five Ways to Perfect Your BHC Day Space

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In behavioral healthcare, the goal is to get patients out of their rooms and into interactive, social environments. Physically ill patients need to primarily be in bed to heal but behavioral / psychological health patients need to be encouraged to come out of their rooms and engage in shared spaces. So how do you design common areas and…

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Five Furniture Styles for Behavioral Health Environments

5Furniture Safe Cleanable Durability Health Caree

Behavioral healthcare organizations have very specific needs for their furniture. Safety is a huge concern for psychiatric facilities and other related areas as behavioral health patients are at a greater risk of self-harm and other dangerous acts. However, cold, uninviting institutional-like furnishings can have a negative effect on patients, which is why healthcare practitioners should look…

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Tough Stuff for a Tough Crowd: Solid Wood Behavioral Health Furniture

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When the average person buys furniture, they consider a few typical factors. How does the furniture look? Is it comfortable? Is it the right size? Each of these aspects will help buyers make a decision on which piece of furniture is best for them. Professionals at behavioral health facilities have to consider all of these factors and…

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The Right Furniture Can Make Behavioral Health Facilities Safer.

The Right Furniture Can Make Behavioral Health Facilities Safer.

Creating a safe and supportive environment is paramount in behavioral health facilities. From managing challenging behaviors to promoting healing and recovery, every aspect of the facility’s design plays a crucial role. In this article, we explore how the right furniture solutions can contribute to enhancing safety and comfort in Behavioral Health Facilities. Understanding the Unique…

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Trend In Senior Suicide Calls For Safer Furniture Choices

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Safety In Senior LivingThe sobering suicide statistics are an extraordinary wake up call for operators of senior care centers. They must pay closer attention to clinical risk factors for suicide, such as mental health disorders, physical decline and loneliness among their residents. But clinical factors aren’t the only aspects in suicide prevention. At the same…

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5 Creative Ways to Manage Patient Incontinence

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Patients and consumers with incontinence create a special kind of demand on staff and direct service providers. Not only is there risk to the health of patient, but cleaning both the patient, furniture and flooring takes the time and effort of staff trying to manage broad responsibilities, incontinence. Furniture can often be ruined by bodily fluids that…

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Creating Healing Environments in a Group or Health Care Setting

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Creating Healing Environments. Hospitals need new packaging, brand new dress that bespeaks health and happiness rather than sickness and suffering, hope instead of despair….What is being done to create for the patient surroundings that make him want to live, that restore to him the old fight to regain his health? Exploring Elements of Healing Environments…

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Now Is the Time to Enhance Safe Spaces for Patients

Healthcare Safe Harbor Bedroom

Demand for behavioral healthcare likely will continue to climb as a result of the coronavirus crisis, but concerns about the safety of health facilities have given pause to many people as they consider pursuing treatment. There never has been a better time for your organization to establish a fully functioning culture of safety. Creating a…

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Make Behavioral Health Common Areas Inviting and Safe.

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Common spaces in healthcare facilities have undergone a major transformation, driven by a desire to establish a more welcoming experience for patients. In behavioral health and addiction treatment centers, the effort to create a healing and aesthetically pleasing environment also must maintain a focus on safety.Open concept community spaces can serve multiple functions — enhancing…

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