Creating the Ideal Healing Spaces for your Residents

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The programs and facilities we serve live by the principle that they should not harm. While financial considerations will always play a role in how an ideal healing spaces is designed, client safety and comfort must come first. This has always been priority one in residential settings, but that message has come clear in an unprecedented way over the past few years. Whether it’s because of the lingering effects of the pandemic, the continued struggles that marginalized populations face, or the growing realization that trauma is at the center of much of the community’s health needs, the residents of the facilities we equip are arriving with complex challenges — and usually a shattered sense of security. This is why we at Furniture Concepts were so heartened to receive a recent testimonial from a customer whose comprehensive prevention-focused programs serve youths who either have been affected by or are at risk of experiencing family violence. The customer told us, “The furniture in our new buildings has really helped to create a safe space for the kids we serve to heal from the hurt they have experienced.” That organization defines its mission as “creating safer, more productive lives for infants, children, young adults and families.” We are honored to play a part in creating environments of care that offer residents a safe harbor. That is in fact the name of our collection devoted to facilities that emphasize creating safe spaces and humanizing service settings. Whether you operate a behavioral health center, a group home, a camp or a wellness retreat, we can help you bring to life a mindfully designed space that evokes safety. Our solutions are flexible, so never hesitate to ask how we can adjust a design to meet your specific needs.

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