SAFE, AFFORDABLE BED BUG Solutions: Thermal Luggage Treatment
In the battle of bed bugs there is a new tool in the arsenal – the Packsafe thermal luggage treatment. Instead of waiting to react to the sighting of a bed bug, Proactively preventing bed bugs and other pests from being introduced into a facility is now easy and affordable.Packsafe is the ideal tool for any facility…
Read MoreNow Is the Time to Enhance Safe Spaces for Patients
Demand for behavioral healthcare likely will continue to climb as a result of the coronavirus crisis, but concerns about the safety of health facilities have given pause to many people as they consider pursuing treatment. There never has been a better time for your organization to establish a fully functioning culture of safety. Creating a…
Read MoreSee How Easily You Can Transform Your Camp with Furniture!
In recent months, members of our Furniture Concepts team have had the privilege of attending some of the premier national and regional summer camp conferences. Conferences like the CCCA National Conference and the ACA National and Regional Conferences gather the leadership of many of the country’s most successful camp and conference centers. Administrators we have spoken to have been teeming with optimism…
Read MoreSmart Furniture Choices Promote Sustainability
The effort to promote eco-conscious living often neglects to incorporate smart decisions about the furniture we use every day. Making responsible choices about these essential products can make a world of difference for your immediate environment and for the planet. Sustainable furniture uses materials with low environmental impact and employs an enduring design. Moreover, furniture with durable construction will…
Read MoreINTERIOR DESIGN IDEAS for Your Group Environment Facility!
There is great truth to the adage “the difference is in the details.” Even an untrained eye can intuitively identify a well-design space. What Makes Good Design? There are many factors but perhaps most important are the details. The coordination of fabrics, Furniture style and accessories that makes a space inviting but maintains the practical objective of the room. For…
Read MoreMake Behavioral Health Common Areas Inviting and Safe.
Common spaces in healthcare facilities have undergone a major transformation, driven by a desire to establish a more welcoming experience for patients. In behavioral health and addiction treatment centers, the effort to create a healing and aesthetically pleasing environment also must maintain a focus on safety.Open concept community spaces can serve multiple functions — enhancing…
Read MoreIS THERE REALLY FREE SHIPPING for Your Furniture?
In today’s cut-throat business environment the lure of free shipping can be enticing. Having the ability to see bottom-line pricing without additional fees like shipping and delivery is, let’s face it, satisfying! The reality is that there is really no such thing as “free” shipping. When shopping, beware of anything free. If logic tells you…
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