Bariatric & Standard Seating:Why Combining makes sense.

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Why Combine Bariatric and Standard Seating?

Bariatric Seating is a sly fox. 

Attractive and ultra-functional, bariatric seating effortlessly blends in with standard seating pieces to stretch both your options and your budget.

When bariatric and standard seating is combined in a space, those looking for a little extra width in their chair will gravitate towards the bariatric options while those accustomed to fitting into standard seats will use the non-bariatric options.

Ganging systems that combine companion bariatric, non-bariatric and table options can be configured to fit any space and are an ideal solution for lobbies and common areas.

  • In ganging systems, chairs and tables are joined using hardware to create a distinct configuration that is not easily moved. Fixing the configuration aids in traffic flow and safety since the pieces cannot be inadvertently moved into traffic paths or interfere with fire codes.

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  • Many styles and finishes are available for ganging options but the most popular tends to be metal-framed upholstered seating.  The metal, often mixed with wood arms for a warm, decorative finish adds sturdiness that will endure over time even with heavy use or use by individuals over 250 pounds. Some bariatric tested seats can safely hold individuals up to 750 pounds (ask for testing certification from your furniture seller).  Non-bariatric seats averaging 20” wide are mixed with bariatric seats which average 40” to create a perfectly balanced seating area.
  • Bold patterns and contrasting upholsteries are a perfect way to create a ganging system that really does it all – durable seating with bariatric options in upholsteries to suit any decorating tastes.
  • When considering how to furnish your common areas and lobbies, combinations of chairs and bariatric chairs work perfectly to balance a space and offer appropriate options to people of all shapes and sizes.  Ganging seating options accomplish the same balance with the added security of fixed positioning.

When considering your next project, talk to a contract furnishing specialist to ensure that you have considered all your options.

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Topics: BariatricCommercial Lounge Furniture

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