Our Redesigned Bunk Bed Sets the Bar on Safety


In all service organizations, both within and outside of health care, safety remains the foundation of all efforts to ensure a high-quality customer experience. Without a safe environment, no other improvements will matter. And without reliable data to drive the improvement, you’re leaving your best quality-control efforts to chance.We at Furniture Concepts set out to…

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Care Settings Prove Essential to Patient Engagement


The term “patient engagement” attained buzzword status in the healthcare field some time ago. These days, companies tout technology as the main vehicle for keeping patients engaged, both within and outside a treatment facility. Care providers have email boxes inundated with vendor pitches to prove it. But the setting of care remains as important a…

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Compassionate Care Requires Careful Choice of Words


Compassionate Care Requires Careful Choice of Words Words matter, and nowhere is this more true than in the treatment of mental health and substance use disorders. Calls have grown stronger for eliminating the use of terms that can discourage people in need from pursuing treatment. We at Furniture Concepts pledge to avoid the use of…

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