Benefits of Ligature-Resistant Furniture in Psychiatric Facilities

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Creating a safe and therapeutic environment in psychiatric facilities is paramount to the well-being of patients. Ligature-resistant furniture plays a critical role in reducing the risk of self-harm and suicide, which are significant concerns in these settings. This article delves into the benefits of using ligature-resistant furniture in psychiatric facilities, highlighting industry-related statistics and insights…

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Space-Saving Bed Solutions for Shelter Homes

Space-Saving Bed Solutions for Shelter Homes

In modern cities, where skyscrapers pierce the sky, lies a contrasting reality often overlooked: the plight of people experiencing Homelessness. The pressing issue of Homelessness is not just about having a roof over one’s head; it’s about providing safe, dignified, and comfortable living conditions. Among these necessities, one stands out in its fundamental importance: providing…

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Wholesale Furniture Buying Guide for Behavioral Healthcare Facilities

Wholesale Furniture Buying Guide for Behavioral Healthcare Facilities

In behavioral healthcare and human service programs, the significance of a conducive physical environment cannot be overstated. It plays a pivotal role in facilitating recovery, ensuring comfort, and promoting a sense of safety for both patients and staff. The furniture that populates these spaces is central to this environment – a seemingly mundane aspect that…

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The Role of Wood Furniture in Behavioral Healthcare Spaces

The Role of Wood Furniture in Behavioral Healthcare Spaces

In behavioral healthcare and human service programs, the significance of the physical environment cannot be overstated. As a furniture provider for group living environments, it is essential to recognize the growing importance of wood furniture in these therapeutic spaces. This natural, timeless material is not just about aesthetics; it plays a critical role in patient…

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Best Bunk Beds of 2024 for Behavioral Healthcare Facilities

Best Bunk Beds of 2024 For Behavioral Healthcare Facilities

The demand for durable, efficient, and space-saving furniture has significantly increased in the evolving behavioral healthcare landscape, particularly in adopting bunk beds. The year 2024 marks a new era in bunk bed design, tailored specifically to meet the unique challenges of these facilities. Bunk beds have become more than just a way to save space;…

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Homeless Shelter Furniture: More Than Just a Necessity

Homeless Shelter Furniture More Than Just a Necessity

The environment of a homeless shelter plays a crucial role in providing solace and safety to its residents. Central to creating such an environment is the selection of appropriate furniture. Furniture in these settings must meet specific criteria that go beyond aesthetics; it needs to be durable, functional, and comfortable, and sanitary, all while supporting…

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Stackable Beds – Innovative Solutions by Furniture Concepts

Stackable Beds – Innovative Solutions by Furniture Concepts

In an era where space optimization is not just a desire but a necessity, innovative furniture solutions are increasingly sought after, especially in specialized sectors like Behavioral Healthcare and Health & Human Services. Furniture Concepts is a leading provider known for its unwavering commitment to serving these crucial markets. With a keen focus on practicality,…

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Our Redesigned Bunk Bed Sets the Bar on Safety


In all service organizations, both within and outside of health care, safety remains the foundation of all efforts to ensure a high-quality customer experience. Without a safe environment, no other improvements will matter. And without reliable data to drive the improvement, you’re leaving your best quality-control efforts to chance.We at Furniture Concepts set out to…

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Care Settings Prove Essential to Patient Engagement


The term “patient engagement” attained buzzword status in the healthcare field some time ago. These days, companies tout technology as the main vehicle for keeping patients engaged, both within and outside a treatment facility. Care providers have email boxes inundated with vendor pitches to prove it. But the setting of care remains as important a…

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Deliver the Right Message to Your Visitors


Over the past two years, many patient care sites strengthened their visitation policies out of necessity, taking care to protect residents from virus exposure. Most of these policies remain in place, making it easier to check in visitors and to monitor their whereabouts. But are facilities also paying attention to the other signals they might…

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Efficient Design Creates an Attractive Workplace


Long before “The Great Resignation” became part of our national lingo, healthcare organizations were struggling to attract and retain a high-quality workforce. According to a 2020 report from Nursing Solutions, Inc., the typical health facility saw a staggering turnover of nearly 90% of its staff between 2015 and 2019. There is no sign that this…

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Residential Spaces Can Convey a Sense of Community


Patients in recovery from illness value the feeling of belonging to a community with shared experiences. The importance of community has driven many recent trends in healthcare, including the emergence of peer support as an essential component of many health disciplines. We at Furniture Concepts have these same ideas in mind when designing living spaces…

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Comfortable Meeting Spaces Promote Patient Recovery


If we ever needed a reminder that we are social beings who thrive on connection, the past year’s events gave us unmistakable proof. As staggering as the effect of social isolation has been on all of us, we can’t forget the toll it has taken on those who were already facing serious health challenges. Leaders…

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A Shift in Perspective: Seeing Furniture Choices as an Investment Decision

A Shift in Perspective: Seeing Furniture Choices as an Investment Decision

With an intimidating number of choices in the marketplace, the people who are tasked with purchasing furniture for healthcare environments can often be left feeling overwhelmed. As with many decisions, one typically chooses the path of least resistance and purchases what is readily available and for the lowest cost. While this strategy may appear to work well…

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