Solid Reasons to Choose Molded Plastic Furniture for Healthcare and Supportive Environments 

Solid Reasons to Choose Molded Plastic Furniture

In healthcare and supportive environments, the need for furniture that not only meets functional requirements but also ensures safety, hygiene, and comfort has become paramount. This is where molded plastic furniture emerges as a game-changer. Molded plastic furniture, with its unique combination of durability, ease of maintenance, and cost-effectiveness, is increasingly being recognized as an…

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Best Bunk Beds of 2024 for Behavioral Healthcare Facilities

Best Bunk Beds of 2024 For Behavioral Healthcare Facilities

The demand for durable, efficient, and space-saving furniture has significantly increased in the evolving behavioral healthcare landscape, particularly in adopting bunk beds. The year 2024 marks a new era in bunk bed design, tailored specifically to meet the unique challenges of these facilities. Bunk beds have become more than just a way to save space;…

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Where to Buy Residential Treatment Center Furniture Wholesale?

Where to Buy Residential Treatment Center Furniture Wholesale?

In the dynamic and ever-changing world of drug and alcohol recovery, one factor that can significantly influence patient experience and outcomes is the quality and functionality of the furniture used in residential treatment centers. The furniture not only contributes to the overall aesthetics of the facility but also plays a crucial role in providing comfort,…

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Why Behavioral Healthcare Furniture Design Matters: Elevating Comfort and Care

Why Healthcare Furniture Design Matters: Elevating Comfort and Care

In healthcare, furniture design is pivotal in shaping the environment of medical facilities. This specialized field goes beyond aesthetics, focusing on creating functional, safe spaces conducive to healing. Furniture Concepts, a leader in the healthcare contract furniture industry, stands out with its commitment to designing furniture that meets the unique demands of healthcare settings. Their…

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The Best Health & Human Services Furniture Suppliers

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Quality medical furniture creates an environment conducive to patient care, staff productivity, and overall well-being. It extends beyond aesthetics, encompassing functionality, durability, and compliance with healthcare standards. The right furniture not only supports medical operations but also contributes to the comfort and satisfaction of patients. With its robust healthcare sector, Ohio serves as a fertile…

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Safe Work Settings Will Boost Staff Satisfaction

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The health care workforce continues to face tumultuous times. The nursing profession has seen a combination of challenges, including pandemic-related burnout, fuel a loss of more than 500,000 from its ranks. Earlier this month, a short but impactful strike by more than 75,000 Kaiser Permanente nurses, pharmacists and other health professionals sent shock waves across…

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All Residents Can Benefit from Greater Socialization

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No matter where your facility’s residents are in their life journey, giving them opportunities for meaningful interaction with others can only improve their well-being. Program managers need to do their utmost to encourage social interaction among their participants wherever possible. Socialization “Socialization is the first line of defense against isolation, loneliness and cognitive decline,” Michelle…

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Creating the Ideal Healing Spaces for your Residents

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The programs and facilities we serve live by the principle that they should not harm. While financial considerations will always play a role in how an ideal healing spaces is designed, client safety and comfort must come first. This has always been priority one in residential settings, but that message has come clear in an…

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We Make Product Selection More Manageable


Every product buyer wants to be able to choose from many options. But facing numerous choices without the proper guidance to navigate them can prove as frustrating as having no alternatives at all. So as we at Furniture Concepts continue to diversify our product lines to meet our clients’ varying needs, we pledge to remain…

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Working Together to Help You Meet Compliance Standards


Identifying the best design choices for your facility will help you meet the multiple demands placed on today’s care providers. Purchasers need to know how their decisions will affect compliance with government requirements as well as standards for accreditation. We at Furniture Concepts are poised to help our customers meet the diversity of requirements they…

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Our Redesigned Bunk Bed Sets the Bar on Safety


In all service organizations, both within and outside of health care, safety remains the foundation of all efforts to ensure a high-quality customer experience. Without a safe environment, no other improvements will matter. And without reliable data to drive the improvement, you’re leaving your best quality-control efforts to chance.We at Furniture Concepts set out to…

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Care Settings Prove Essential to Patient Engagement


The term “patient engagement” attained buzzword status in the healthcare field some time ago. These days, companies tout technology as the main vehicle for keeping patients engaged, both within and outside a treatment facility. Care providers have email boxes inundated with vendor pitches to prove it. But the setting of care remains as important a…

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Deliver the Right Message to Your Visitors


Over the past two years, many patient care sites strengthened their visitation policies out of necessity, taking care to protect residents from virus exposure. Most of these policies remain in place, making it easier to check in visitors and to monitor their whereabouts. But are facilities also paying attention to the other signals they might…

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Efficient Design Creates an Attractive Workplace


Long before “The Great Resignation” became part of our national lingo, healthcare organizations were struggling to attract and retain a high-quality workforce. According to a 2020 report from Nursing Solutions, Inc., the typical health facility saw a staggering turnover of nearly 90% of its staff between 2015 and 2019. There is no sign that this…

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Residential Spaces Can Convey a Sense of Community


Patients in recovery from illness value the feeling of belonging to a community with shared experiences. The importance of community has driven many recent trends in healthcare, including the emergence of peer support as an essential component of many health disciplines. We at Furniture Concepts have these same ideas in mind when designing living spaces…

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Making a Difference in the Lives of the Underserved


There is nothing more rewarding for a helping professional than having a positive impact on the lives of the underserved. The twin pandemics of COVID-19 and social injustice continue to shine a light on the needs of the historically marginalized. We at Furniture Concepts are honored to play a part in helping those who work every day…

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Careful Design Reduces Risk of Falls


Among the many risks healthcare administrators have to deal with, the risk of patient falls can be one of the most damaging to the organization. Falls, and the injuries they cause, are a major contributor to an epidemic of medical errors that cost the U.S. healthcare system anywhere from $17 billion to $29 billion a…

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Comfortable Meeting Spaces Promote Patient Recovery


If we ever needed a reminder that we are social beings who thrive on connection, the past year’s events gave us unmistakable proof. As staggering as the effect of social isolation has been on all of us, we can’t forget the toll it has taken on those who were already facing serious health challenges. Leaders…

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Managing Risks: Caring for your Caregivers

Caring for Caregivers

Managing risk in a healthcare setting becomes a complex task, requiring organizations to consider both the overtly unsafe act and the hidden danger in the environment. Each facility will have its own risk profile based on the characteristics of its physical space, workforce, and populations served. This is why it’s so important to have access…

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Why Metal Makes Sense for Health Care Furniture


There used to be a time where metal healthcare furniture was viewed as a bare-bones, practical option for facilities that didn’t care about style. Fortunately, that time has come to an end. Modern metal health care furniture can provide both style and substance for facilities in need of durable furniture options. Here are two big reason why…

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An Interior Designer’s Guide to Healthcare Furniture

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Recently I was talking to an interior designer who took her first healthcare design job. This particular interior designer had a lot of residential experience but when I asked her about selecting contract-grade furniture, she was totally unaware that there was furniture designed for non-residential applications. While the elements of good residential interior design might translate…

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Room Design for Addiction Recovery

Addiction Recovery Furniture

First impressions when patients enter an addiction treatment facility really sets the stage for recovery. Good room design puts patients at ease and allows them to willingly enter treatment. So, what constitutes good room design in a healing environment? Facilities should include spaces in common areas designed for group sessions; semi-private areas for family visits…

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Big and Tall Healthcare Furniture Improves the Patient-Centric Experience


Whether your customers are senior care residents or behavioral healthcare clients, the concept of patient-centric facility design has become paramount. Essentially, it means everything you do adopts its primary focus from the customer’s perspective. It’s all about them.  One often overlooked aspect when designing for the customer experience is the relative comfort of your furnishings. Chairs…

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How to Use Furniture to Aid Consumer Independence

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Incontinence can severely limit patient or consumer independence. Limited mobility can also be a big obstacle since aiding consumers in their movements from one area to another is demanding on staff time and resources. So what can you do to help build confidence and independence in your patients or consumers? Believe it or not, your furniture can be…

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Comfort Has Value in Healthcare Residences

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The dictionary defines comfort as “a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint.” But comfort is much more than that. There’s a psychological element to comfort that helps an individual feel taken care of Residences, nurtured and supported. With the busy (and sometimes totally exhausting) routines typical in America, we’ve noticed an…

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Furniture For Adolescent Treatment Centers Can Aid in Their Success.

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Teenagers participating in residential treatment programs for addiction face a recovery process complicated by what is often a first experience living away from home. Empowering adolescents on their path to recovery, our treatment centers provide a supportive environment for growth and healing. While the separation from the familiar can be a necessity, residential treatment facilities often carefully…

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A Shift in Perspective: Seeing Furniture Choices as an Investment Decision

A Shift in Perspective: Seeing Furniture Choices as an Investment Decision

With an intimidating number of choices in the marketplace, the people who are tasked with purchasing furniture for healthcare environments can often be left feeling overwhelmed. As with many decisions, one typically chooses the path of least resistance and purchases what is readily available and for the lowest cost. While this strategy may appear to work well…

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